Bueno, vamos a hacer una recapitulización de lo que hay hasta ahora en BLU-RAY USA. Son 3 títulos a los que se agregaran proximamente 4 más.

- North By Northwest: 50th Anniversary Edition (1959) [Warner, originalmente en digibook]
- Psycho: 50th Anniversary Edition (1960) [Universal]
- The Lady Vanishes: The Criterion Collection (1938) [Criterion]
- North By Northwest (1959) [Warner, reedición en cajita plástica]

- Spellbound (1945) [MGM] http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Spellboun ... 79/#Review
- Rebecca (1940) [MGM] http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Rebecca-Blu-ray/34412/
- Notorious (1946) [MGM] http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Notorious ... 11/#Review
- To Catch A Thief (1955) [Paramount]

SINOPSIS: A la clínica psiquiátrica de Green Manors llega el joven y prestigioso doctor Edwards (Gregory Peck) para sustituir al anciano director. El recién llegado, nada más incorporarse, es mirado con recelo por los demás médicos, ya que descubren en él síntomas evidentes de amnesia y un gran complejo de culpabilidad. Edwards cree que es culpable de un asesinato, pero no consigue recordar ni las circunstancias que rodearon al crimen ni el lugar donde se cometió. La bella y fría doctora Constance Peterson (Ingrid Bergman) enamorada de él, tratará desesperadamente de demostrar su inocencia arriesgando su prestigio profesional e incluso, su propia vida...
Recuerda (1945) es una aproximación de Alfred Hitchcock al mundo del psicoanálisis freudiano. Entre las escenas más recordadas de esta película destaca una surrealista secuencia onírica, diseñada para Hitchcock por Salvador Dalí.
- Commentary with Film Historians Thomas Schatz and Charles Ramirez Berg. While nowhere near as scholarly as Marian Keane's commentary on the Criterion release of Spellbound, Schatz and Berg, while chatty (and with a tendency to talk over each other, making each a jumble) do impart quite a bit of information on the film's background and production. However, how seriously can you take two guys who question whether Rozsa's score is "too big" for the film, and who also misidentify the film Norman Lloyd falls off the Statue of Liberty in (it's Saboteur, not Sabotage, guys).
- Running With Scissors: Hitchcock, Surrealism and Salvador Dali (SD; 21:25) is an interesting, albeit surface deep, look at this iconic pairing, including information on how it came to be as well as how Selznick deemed the dream sequences unfit for exhibition and had them edited.
- Guilt By Association: Psychoanalyzing Spellbound (SD; 19:39) looks at the film's historic place as the first mainstream film to deal with psychoanalysis, something that may have been in people's minds (no pun intended) as World War II was winding down, and soldiers were coming home in droves who were dealing with emotional problems.
- A Cinderella Story: Rhonda Fleming (SD; 10:10) is a profile of the auburn tressed star.
- 1948 Radio Version of Spellbound Directed by Alfred Hitchcock (59:47) starring The Third Man's Joseph Cotten and Valli.
- Peter Bogdanovich Interviews Alfred Hitchcock (15:22)
- Original Theatrical Trailer (SD; 2:07)
REBECCA (1940)

- Commentary with critic Richard Schickel
- Isolated music and effects track
- Rare screen, hair, makeup, and costume tests including Margaret Sullavan, Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine (9:07 in 480i)
- The Making of Rebecca featurette (28:08 in 480i)
- The Gothic World of Daphne du Maurier featurette (19:02 in 480i)
- 3 X 1 hour Radio Plays
- Hitchcock on Rebecca: excerpts from the director's conversations with filmmaker Francois Truffaut (9:15) and Peter Bogdanovich (4:20)
- Theatrical Trailer (2:22)
DVD Review @ http://www.dvdbeaver.com/film/dvdcompare/rebecca.htm

Subtitles: English [NO TRAE SUBTÍTULOS EN ESPAÑOL según Blu-Ray.com]
- Commentary with Film Professor Rick Jewell. This is a really interesting commentary, though it doesn't hew to the usual fare. Instead of concentrating on the film at hand, Jewell spends roughly the first half or so of the commentary giving us the history of RKO and then Selznick's involvement with the project, before ultimately moving on to the movie at hand.
- Commentary with Film Professor Drew Casper. I'm sorry, I'm sure Dr. Casper is a very nice and very learned man, but I simply loathe his commentaries. Aside from his voice, which grates on my nerves like fingernails on a blackboard, with its "loose dentures" sound, Casper is just too chatty, too colloquial and too obvious for my particular tastes. (Example: "Ingrid Bergman was a star!") Your mileage may vary.
- Isolated Music and Effects Track. Notorious' score isn't usually held in the same high esteem as some of the other Hitchcock films (particularly those scored by Bernard Herrmann), but this track makes clear just how effective Roy Webb's contributions really were to the film.
- The Ultimate Romance: The Making of Notorious (SD; 28:22) is a decent look at the film, concentrating on the romantic angle as a unifying focus.
- Alfred Hitchcock: The Ultimate Spymaster (SD; 13:10) is a nice look at how Hitchcock's efforts such as Notorious have influenced the whole spy and espionage genre in film generally.
- The American Film Institute Award: The Key to Hitchcock (SD; 3:20) features Mary Stone, Hitch's granddaughter introducing snippets of footage from Hitch's AFI Lifetime Achieement Award, which includes an incredibly touching moment of Ingrid Bergman bestowing the iconic key from Notorious on Hitch.
- 1948 Radio Play starring Joseph Cotton and Ingrid Bergman (59:35)
- Hitchcock Audio Interviews includes talks with Peter Bogdanovich (2:14) and François Truffaut (16:22).
- Restoration Comparison (SD; 2:50)
- Theatrical Trailer (SD; 2:31)
Una pena que MGM no haya decidico ponerles subtítulos en español a sus ediciones en Blu-Ray.
- North By Northwest: 50th Anniversary Edition (1959) [Warner, originalmente en digibook]
- Psycho: 50th Anniversary Edition (1960) [Universal]
- The Lady Vanishes: The Criterion Collection (1938) [Criterion]
- North By Northwest (1959) [Warner, reedición en cajita plástica]
- Spellbound (1945) [MGM] http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Spellboun ... 79/#Review
- Rebecca (1940) [MGM] http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Rebecca-Blu-ray/34412/
- Notorious (1946) [MGM] http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Notorious ... 11/#Review
- To Catch A Thief (1955) [Paramount]
SINOPSIS: A la clínica psiquiátrica de Green Manors llega el joven y prestigioso doctor Edwards (Gregory Peck) para sustituir al anciano director. El recién llegado, nada más incorporarse, es mirado con recelo por los demás médicos, ya que descubren en él síntomas evidentes de amnesia y un gran complejo de culpabilidad. Edwards cree que es culpable de un asesinato, pero no consigue recordar ni las circunstancias que rodearon al crimen ni el lugar donde se cometió. La bella y fría doctora Constance Peterson (Ingrid Bergman) enamorada de él, tratará desesperadamente de demostrar su inocencia arriesgando su prestigio profesional e incluso, su propia vida...
Recuerda (1945) es una aproximación de Alfred Hitchcock al mundo del psicoanálisis freudiano. Entre las escenas más recordadas de esta película destaca una surrealista secuencia onírica, diseñada para Hitchcock por Salvador Dalí.
- Commentary with Film Historians Thomas Schatz and Charles Ramirez Berg. While nowhere near as scholarly as Marian Keane's commentary on the Criterion release of Spellbound, Schatz and Berg, while chatty (and with a tendency to talk over each other, making each a jumble) do impart quite a bit of information on the film's background and production. However, how seriously can you take two guys who question whether Rozsa's score is "too big" for the film, and who also misidentify the film Norman Lloyd falls off the Statue of Liberty in (it's Saboteur, not Sabotage, guys).
- Running With Scissors: Hitchcock, Surrealism and Salvador Dali (SD; 21:25) is an interesting, albeit surface deep, look at this iconic pairing, including information on how it came to be as well as how Selznick deemed the dream sequences unfit for exhibition and had them edited.
- Guilt By Association: Psychoanalyzing Spellbound (SD; 19:39) looks at the film's historic place as the first mainstream film to deal with psychoanalysis, something that may have been in people's minds (no pun intended) as World War II was winding down, and soldiers were coming home in droves who were dealing with emotional problems.
- A Cinderella Story: Rhonda Fleming (SD; 10:10) is a profile of the auburn tressed star.
- 1948 Radio Version of Spellbound Directed by Alfred Hitchcock (59:47) starring The Third Man's Joseph Cotten and Valli.
- Peter Bogdanovich Interviews Alfred Hitchcock (15:22)
- Original Theatrical Trailer (SD; 2:07)
REBECCA (1940)

- Commentary with critic Richard Schickel
- Isolated music and effects track
- Rare screen, hair, makeup, and costume tests including Margaret Sullavan, Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine (9:07 in 480i)
- The Making of Rebecca featurette (28:08 in 480i)
- The Gothic World of Daphne du Maurier featurette (19:02 in 480i)
- 3 X 1 hour Radio Plays
- Hitchcock on Rebecca: excerpts from the director's conversations with filmmaker Francois Truffaut (9:15) and Peter Bogdanovich (4:20)
- Theatrical Trailer (2:22)
DVD Review @ http://www.dvdbeaver.com/film/dvdcompare/rebecca.htm
Subtitles: English [NO TRAE SUBTÍTULOS EN ESPAÑOL según Blu-Ray.com]

- Commentary with Film Professor Rick Jewell. This is a really interesting commentary, though it doesn't hew to the usual fare. Instead of concentrating on the film at hand, Jewell spends roughly the first half or so of the commentary giving us the history of RKO and then Selznick's involvement with the project, before ultimately moving on to the movie at hand.
- Commentary with Film Professor Drew Casper. I'm sorry, I'm sure Dr. Casper is a very nice and very learned man, but I simply loathe his commentaries. Aside from his voice, which grates on my nerves like fingernails on a blackboard, with its "loose dentures" sound, Casper is just too chatty, too colloquial and too obvious for my particular tastes. (Example: "Ingrid Bergman was a star!") Your mileage may vary.
- Isolated Music and Effects Track. Notorious' score isn't usually held in the same high esteem as some of the other Hitchcock films (particularly those scored by Bernard Herrmann), but this track makes clear just how effective Roy Webb's contributions really were to the film.
- The Ultimate Romance: The Making of Notorious (SD; 28:22) is a decent look at the film, concentrating on the romantic angle as a unifying focus.
- Alfred Hitchcock: The Ultimate Spymaster (SD; 13:10) is a nice look at how Hitchcock's efforts such as Notorious have influenced the whole spy and espionage genre in film generally.
- The American Film Institute Award: The Key to Hitchcock (SD; 3:20) features Mary Stone, Hitch's granddaughter introducing snippets of footage from Hitch's AFI Lifetime Achieement Award, which includes an incredibly touching moment of Ingrid Bergman bestowing the iconic key from Notorious on Hitch.
- 1948 Radio Play starring Joseph Cotton and Ingrid Bergman (59:35)
- Hitchcock Audio Interviews includes talks with Peter Bogdanovich (2:14) and François Truffaut (16:22).
- Restoration Comparison (SD; 2:50)
- Theatrical Trailer (SD; 2:31)
Una pena que MGM no haya decidico ponerles subtítulos en español a sus ediciones en Blu-Ray.
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